
Mexico, officially called the United Mexican States is a democratic republic, federal representative and composed of 32 federal entities that occupies the southern part of North America. According to the Constitution, the seat of the powers of the federation is to Mexico City, whose territory was designated as the Federal District.

Confined to the north with the United States of America, the east by the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, southeast by Belize and Guatemala to the west by the Pacific Ocean. The area occupies a Mexican extension of about 2 million square kilometers, which puts him in the fourteenth position in the countries of the world sorted by area. Besides the mainland and islands adjacent to the coast, Mexico also includes Revillagigedo Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean more than 400 miles south of Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur in this territory, there are over 107 million people , which places it as the nation's largest Hispanic-speaker. On the other hand, the Spanish coexists with many indigenous languages​​, as officially recognized by the Mexican nationals.

The settlement of this territory was possibly initiated between twelve and fourteen thousand years ago (there are still doubts as to when the first settlers arrived on the continent), a period that followed both the agricultural and the Mesoamerican cultures of the nomads and the Aridoamérica oasisamericanos people. After the Spanish conquest, the country began its fight for political independence in 1810. Thereafter, for nearly a century the country was embroiled in a series of internal wars and foreign invasions that had repercussions in all spheres of life of Mexicans. For much of the twentieth century (especially in the first half) took a period of high economic growth marked by a politics dominated by one political party. 

By:Thaynara Haylle

Central Park (in Portuguese: Parque Central) is a large park (with 341 hectares) within the U.S. city of New York, the state of the same name. It has an area of 3.4 square kilometers and is located in the district of Manhattan.
The park, which existed for 150 years, is considered by many New Yorkers, an oasis within the great forest of skyscrapers in the region. It is a place where people can slow down the frantic New York: people can sit on a bench and read the newspaper, chat with friends, play games, ride a bike or playing with children.

With approximately twenty-five million visitors annually, Central Park is the most visited park in the city and appears in many movies and television programs, making it known worldwide.

It was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, who later created Brooklyn's Prospect Park. Although the park looks natural, it is in fact almost entirely landscaped and contains several artificial lakes, hiking trails, two ice rinks, a living shrine and diverse fields.
Panorama of Central Park