
th computer and internet then are in full force ... The use of a language so well known is of great value to obtain the communication.

a importancia do ingles
English is becoming increasingly indispensable in the world in which we operate, globalization makes the language becomes something fundamental in the times atuais.O English is taking strength every day now, along wi

The English language is a language internacional.A travel, business, studies, finally, the language of communication with the world, the language of globalização.A each passing day becomes more visible the importance and influence that language has on our life.The only look around us, for our part, we are faced with English in our lives, and look at that in various situations, and there are only few ... Want to see? Then I'll write a little text to you have an idea of what I'm talking about! Stay tuned!


Bullying - It is exercised by one or more individuals, causing pain and distress, with the purpose of intimidating or assaulting another person.
Bullying is a word of English (= bully "bully") that refers to all forms of aggressive attitudes, verbal or physical, intentional, repetitive, that no evident reason and are carried out by one or more individuals, causing pain and distress, with the purpose of intimidating or assaulting another person without the ability or capacity to defend itself, being carried out in an unequal relationship of power or power.
Bullying is divided into two categories: a) direct bullying, which is the most common among male abusers and b) indirect bullying, which is the most common form among women and children, whose social isolation characteristic of the victim. In general, the victim fears (a) aggressor (a) by reason of threats or even the achievement of violence, physical or sexual, or loss of livelihood.
Bullying is a worldwide problem and can occur in almost any context in which people interact, such as school, college / university, the family, but can also occur in the workplace and among neighbors. There is a tendency for schools to not admit the occurrence of bullying among their students, or ignore the problem or refuse to face it. This type of aggression usually occurs in areas where the presence or adult supervision is minimal or nonexistent. Bullying are included in the derogatory nicknames designed to humiliate their friends.
People who witness bullying, in most cases, students living with violence and are silent because they feared becoming the "next victims" of the aggressor. At school, when there is an effective intervention against bullying, the environment is contaminated and students, without exception, are negatively affected, experiencing feelings of fear and anxiety.
Children or adolescents who suffer bullying can become adults with negative feelings and low self-esteem. They tend to get serious relationship problems, and may even contract aggressive behavior. In extreme cases, the victim may attempt or commit suicide.
The author (s) (s) of aggression are usually people who have little empathy, which belong to dysfunctional families, where the affective relationship between its members tend to be scarce or poor. Moreover, the target of the aggressors are usually socially inept people, with low responsiveness or to stop the harmful acts against them and have a strong feeling of insecurity, which prevents them from asking for help.
In Brazil, a survey conducted in 2010 with students from public and private schools revealed that the typical humiliations of bullying are common among students of 5th and 6th grades. The three Brazilian cities with the highest incidence of this practice are: Brasilia, Belo Horizonte and Curitiba.
